Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Final Fantasy XV Dawn Trailer

Square Enix just dropped a new trailer for Final Fantasy XV at Gamescon and what a terrible trailer it is. The trailer starts out with some text that narrates the story, we get a glimpse of a child Luna edging away from some unknown man, then another piece of text transitioned into a cutscene where some guards are walking around and a dog hops out a car and walks down a street. The next piece is a part that takes up the majority of this 3 minute trailer. A young Noctis is held in a bearded man's arms as he embraces him and a tear falls down his cheek following that is another piece of text and then the logo.

This trailer was highly disappointing and another example of Square not doing their marketing very well. The first issue is that there is no gameplay whatsoever. For a trailer for a video game that's pretty essential and secondly even judging the cutscenes on their own premise, they are not good or even mediocre. The editing is way too basic, they fail to deliver any kind of emotion to the viewer, and that whole scene with the hug had some weird lighting issues and the two lines of dialogue present weren't even voiced. The man's skin looked waxy and to mention that whole scene was just boring. It failed to make me feel invested. If these cutscenes actually had decent editing, showed off the world and had engaging dialogue or action pieces than I could forgive the absence of no gameplay, but unfortunately it didn't do any of that. The whole trailer came off as flat.


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