Monday, August 3, 2015

Final Fantasy XII Remaster and Resident Evil 2 Remakes on the Way

Just a couple days ago Arnie Roth and Hitoshi Sakimoto composers for Square announced at a recent Distan Worlds concert that a remake of Final Fantasy XII is on the way. Later, Arnie Roth made a restatement saying the word remake was used improperly, but he did not rule out the notion of a remaster which many people took it as to begin with.

Earlier, producer Yoshiaki Hirabayashi from Capcom posted an image on the Resident Evil Facebook page of a logo of Biohazard 2, the game's name in Japan with the comment "Right after the RE HD Remaster project was finished, I actually started putting together my ideas for this "RE2 Project". So, I just brushed it up and went to see my boss to present the basic concept of the project already…".

This is evidently a pitch towards a Resident Evil 2 remake. The original Resident Evil received a remake back in 2002 for the Gamecube and was given a port and remaster to current gen systems earlier this year. In that case it is not farfetched that we could possibly be seeing a remake of the 2nd installment.

With a possible remaster and remake on the way there are some things I would like to see changed in these games. In the case of Final Fantasy XII, firstly I want it to be a remaster of the International Zodiac Job version. The X and X-2 remasters were of the international versions so it's not unreasonable to ask. One of the major issues I had with XII was the loot system. It's fine in most cases, but a lot of the good equipment you can get in the game is due to random chance. Content in treasure chests in the game are worked in a random formula and this wouldn't be too bad, but the issue is that some chests don't regenerate and if you end up with the common treasure you would have to reset the game if you wanted the rare one in that playthrough. I can tell you it wasn't exactly fun fighting the demon wall a bunch of times to receive the Demonsbane Sword. The game also has a fair bit of rare hunts that are far too rare. I can't imagine grinding for extremely longs amount of time for a rare enemy or item to drop is fun to anyone.

In the case of Resident Evil 2 there isn't much I can think of to improve it. I would like to see some additional costumes and that's about it. In the case of both games I'm eager to see them if they actually come into fruition.

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